BiographyFaye is a twin, they were born at 35 weeks gestation.
The doctors in the NICU noticed Fayes distinctive facial features and knew something genetic had happened.
Faye spent 10 weeks in the NICU and came home tube fed and on oxygen.
Faye was only home for 2 days before she was hospitalised for aspiration pneumonia, this was the start of the roller coaster of multiple hospitalisations each year, last year Faye had 11 surgeries to fix her shunt, fundoplication and port a cath insertion and removal of the port a cath due to a staph epi infection.
Faye is a fighter and is so strong.
Faye loves spending time with her siblings.
She handles all the hospitalisations with resilience that I have never seen before.
Faye has made me the strong advocate that I am today.