Thank youTajs blanket arrived yesterday and OMGoodness ? It is so much more than I ever imagined! Taj is so grateful to everyone around the world who created the squares to make it whole, alongside the scout badges he received. I’ve attached two photos, the first is after his scout night when he received it but I realised how tired he looked so we took another brighter one this morning. As bright as he looks in the second photo he has had a very rough couple of weeks with a hospital admittance due to being unwell followed by a lumbar puncture that delivered his chemotherapy, so it came as big surprise to him and we all can’t stop looking at it!
We can’t say Thankyou enough but Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou ?"
Thank you to all the stitchers who contributed to this quilt.
BiographyTaj was born a healthy, happy little man who a absolutely took life by the horns and rode it hard. Whatever he could do, he would do. He loves surfing, motorbike riding, skating, music, bushwalking and camping. Taj volunteers his time as a junior scout leader and took park in the 96km Kokoda challenge walk a month before he was diagnosed with Lymphoma, since then his thirst for fun and life has seen him smash every step of his journey, when he got knocked down, he got back up again.
Taj has just reached the maintenance period of his treatment, which involves 2 years of chemotherapy. We hope for him to finish just in time for his 19th birthday.